
Goovi is vp9 transcode service for smaller file, better quality with prioritizing in fast encoding, to find out about VP9 go to here

All input video are transcoded to lossy webm video using open media encoder vp9, there are several target transcode in webm

  • 360p
  • 560p
  • 720p
  • 1080p
  • 4k
  • Or you can choose “all” to encode to all.

The target will generate single output file webm or mp4, if you need HLS,or any multifile container not available yet.

Video Size

The video are resize according aspect ratio


if video are horizontal, transcode to 1080p

Input video are 4k 18:9 video 4320x2160

It will resize to 1080p 18:9 2160x1080

if video are vertical, transcode to 560p

Input video are HD from user camera with aspect ratio 9:18 1080:1920

The output will resize to 560p 18:9 560x1120


Our encoding system wont produce upscale from video from its original source, carefull when make request

Frame Rate

Frame rate will follow user input, if input are 60 it will transcode to 60.


Audio are transcoded to opus, and supported audio channel

  • 7.1
  • 5.1
  • Stereo
  • Mono


Here output bitrate from our transcoding service, we follow recommendation setting by Google

Output Target Target (60FPS) Min Max
360p 276k 276k 138k 400k
560p 512k 720k 375k 900k
720p 1024k 1800k 720k 1500k
1080p 1800k 3000k 1500k 3000k
4k 12000k 18000k 6000k 15400k

Queue System

Due to status of project the task that you request are will be added to our queue with FILO order

File source and destination

The source and destination must from s3 storage from public cloud, here are some supported public cloud

  • GCP
  • AWS
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • IBM Cloud
  • Wasabi
  • Biznet Gio
  • Oracle Cloud
  • More coming soon

Please contact if you need more source and destination

The output for single file will be like this




File target

You can choose one or more file target.

  • webm
  • mp4
  • ogg
  • mp3
  • m3u8
  • mpd
  • m3u8-audio
  • mpd-audio
  • thumbnail
  • animated_thumbnail

For mp4 we use good ol x264 for hinger device comptability

For m3u8 we use good ol x264 too!, and deliver chunked video to you

For mpd we use webm and opus, also the video are chunked

Our Hardware configuration

We use AMD Epyc Milan, NVME and 16 GB/s network


Open API Spec
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